Daria Ango was content living her life as a housewife to her husband, Agapito. She would spend her days on watching their four girls while Agapito worked delivering water around the island. Coaxed by her neighbors, she attended a Project Dungganon orientation and decided to try it out and loaned PhP3,500 in 1999. Like many others before her, she opened up a small sari-sari store. She found she had a knack for sales and a keen eye for opportunity. With her earnings, she purchased a tricycle for her husband’s water delivery business. Seeing that other sari-sari store owners in more rural parts of the island lacked transportation to travel and purchase supplies for their stores. She decided to become a peddling wholesaler to these sari-sari store owners. She would buy goods from the local grocery store at wholesale prices and Agapito would make the deliveries to their sari-sari store customers. They were soon able to buy another tricycle. Daria grabbed the opportunity after being approached by soft drink agent and offered her to be a one of three distributors on the island. She then purchased a karaoke house, two commercial jeepneys (public utility vehicle), another two tricycles and a trailer truck. The couple have built a home for their family, send their children to school, and have built successful businesses.

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